ACP-EU (Intra-ACP programmes)
Implemented in ACP Member States
and Regions
Agreement No. ACP/FED/041-233 – 11th EDF ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Programme for an amount of €100.0 m million was signed on 20th November 2020. The programme will be implemented over a period of 72 months excluding the closure period of 24 months.
Implementation modalities
3. Indirect management with the ACP Secretariat
The 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Intra-ACP Natural Disaster Risk Reduction (NDRR) pProgramme aims for fully alignments with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and relevant regional frameworks, including the Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (ARSDRR)2 and the African Union Commission’s (AUC) programme of Action (PoA) for the implementation of the Sendai Framework in AfricaFramework for Resilient Development (FRDP) in the Pacific.
As The Sendai Framework, the programmeThe NDRRP encourages a shift from disaster management to embraces disaster risk management (DRM), focusing with the aim ofon preventing the creation of new and reducing existing disaster risks, through a whole-of government, n all-of-society and all-hazards risk management approach. Overall Objective: Reduce the impact of disasters, including those related to climate change and biological hazards, and increase resilience in ACP countries. The three specific objectives are: SO1: Disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk is strengthened. SO2: Investment in disaster risk reduction for resilience is increased. SO3: Disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction is enhanced. Under the 2030 Agenda, the main focus would be contributing to on achieving SDG 13 (“Take urgent action to combat climate action and its impacts”), and covering some significant others, viz.: SDG 1 (“end poverty in all its forms everywhere”), SDG 9 (“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”); and, SDG11 (“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”). The Intra-OACPS NDRRP component “Technical Assistance to the OACPS” is one of eight components of the global 11th (global European Development Fund (EDF) Intra-OACPS Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Programme.
The main expected results of the programme:
Output1.1: ACP Regional Institutions Capacities are strengthened. (to be implemented tentatively by: AUC, UNDP/UNDRR, WB/GFDRR, SADC, CDB and SPC); Output 1.2: Intra-ACP South-South action is consolidated and coordination and monitoring mechanisms are operational (to be Implemented by the ACP Secretariat); Output 1.3: Integrated solutions for risk-informed development planning and budgeting are provided (to be tentatively implemented by UNDP/UNDRR, SADC, CDB and SPC;
The programme is ongoing and is expected to end on 30 June 2027
The TA to the OACPS Secretariat commenced on 20 January 2023, and is situated in the Secretariat with the Department of Environment and Climate Action (ECA). The inception phase ended in May 2023. All Implementing Partners (IPs) have signed their contracts and are in various stages of implementation, with a majority in the inception phase. The contracts are due to end in 2026/2027. However, an addendum to the Financing Agreement is envisaged and will extend its end date to 2028. The TA “Kick-off” Meeting was held on 9 February 2023, and assessed key strategic expectations from the EU and OACPS, as well as presentation of the TA Programme Actions, issues and financial matters, for decision. The Inception report of 23 March 2023 and approved on 31 May 2023. The inception period focused on conducting a situational and stakeholder analyses, and updating and enhancing the project methodology. It established the Action’s coordination mechanism, following an assessment of existing ones by implementing partners; developed a Manual of procedures, following an inventory of existing systems, processes and procedures; provided an overview of the achievements of the first one and half month of implementation; prioritized and provided a detailed work plan for the first 6 months of the TA component’s implementation, reflecting the new starting date of 20 January 2023 instead of 1 January, as initially envisaged. The TA co-organised the first 11NDRRP African Coordination meeting on the margins of the 19th African Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (AWGDRR) on 13 March 2023. The Africa Regional Coordination Meeting achieved the following: 1. Relationship building of all the key stakeholders of the NDRRP in in Africa, for smooth and effective implementation; 2. The role and responsibilities of the TA facility of the NDRRP are well assimilated by key stakeholders; 3. The coordination arrangements were effectively envisioned and validated at the regional and global levels; and 4. The potential synergies and key events were identified for effective implementation of the programme. The TA organised the 1st Global Coordination Meeting to review the progress on the implementation of activities under each Result Area, focusing on challenges, lessons learned and recommendations from each Implementing Partner (IP). Further, IPs provided information on communication and visibility plans and activities they are managing/co-organizing, with some including plans for DRR Day and related international initiatives, as well as plans for COP 28; involvement in PDNAs and disaster recovery workBeneficiary countries All Member States of the OACPS, through the TA to the OACPS and the 7 components being implemented by AUC, ARC, SADC, SPC, CDEMA, WB GFDRR and UNDP/UNDRR. For more information, contact: Department of Environment and Climate Action
Global budget: EUR 813 million (9th and 10th EDF)
MS have contributed c. 165,000,000 EUR
The objective of the EU-Africa infrastructure Trust Fund is contribute to economic development, growth, integration at regional level and poverty reduction through the mobilisation of resources for regional interconnectivity infrastructure projects. The project aims to increase the available financing for infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa covering the following sectors : Energy, Transport (rail, road, air, maritime and inland waterways); Water; and Information Technology.
Expected results include:
Implementation status: Ongoing
Beneficiary country/regions: Sub-Saharan Africa
Main objectives:
The specific objective is to address prevention, mitigation and preparedness to natural hazards in ACP States, focussing on the following four priority areas:
Expected results:
Mode of implementation: the program is implemented by the World Bank (specifically the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery) through an administrative agreement.
Beneficiary countries: ACP countries.
See below detailed lists for both contracts under the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Programme
Agreement No. ACP/FED/038-833: Intra-ACP Climate Services and related applications Programme for an amount of €85.0 million was signed on 20 September2018. The programme is being implemented for a period of 72 months excluding the closure phase which is fixed at 24 months.
Implementation modality:
Indirect management with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), SADC, the AUC and the OACPS Secretariat.
The UN Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) was established in 2009 at the World Climate Conference 3 organised by the UN World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) in 2009 to strengthen production, availability, delivery and application of science-based climate prediction and services. Climate services as defined by the GFCS include the timely production, translation, provision and use of climate data, information and knowledge for informed societal decision-making regarding climate risks. The specific objective of the ACP-EU programme is to strengthen the climate services value chain by boosting Adaptation and Resilience to climate change in the ACP countries and regions and thus contributing towards the attainment of SDG 13 on Climate change as well as SDGs 2, 3,5,6, 14 and 15.
The programme’s expected results are as follows:
Output 1) Interaction between the users, researchers and climate services providers in ACP regions is structured;
Output 2) provision of climate services at regional and national level is effectively guaranteed and secured;
Output 3) Access to climate informatio0n is improved;
Output 4) Capacity of ACP regions is enhanced to generate and apply climate information and products relevant to their particular concerns.
The Financing Agreement was signed on 20 September 2018.
The project is ongoing and is expected to end in May 2025
The TA to the OACPS contract was signed on 25 June 2020, with the official launch of the ClimSA Programme held virtually on 30 March 2021. The status of ClimSA Programme implementation, is as follows: – Output 1: 87.5% of OACPS Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) from Africa (ACMAD, AGRHYMET, ICPAC, SADC & CAPC-CA, Caribbean (CIMH) and Pacific SPREP ) have reported the establishment of User Interface Platforms (UPIs), for enabling discussion and sharing of information and service especially for Agriculture, Water, Disaster Risk Reduction and Health during the Regional outlook forums; – Output 2: Eight OACPS RCCs (100%) have reported the operationalisation of the climate service information system tool referred to as “C:LIMSA station”, which enables the generation of new tailored user- based products and services. Operationalization of East Africa agriculture watch as an early warning system for monitoring crop and rangelands in the Eastern Africa region was also delivered as well as the establishment of the Continental Multi- Hazard Advisory Centre as a component of the AU Multi-Hazard Early Warning System at ACMAD/NIger. – Output 3: 70% of RCCs (six out of eight) have discussed and agreed on a data access from national pilot countries and discussion is underway with international centres such as . the European Centre for Medium Weather Forecast (ECMWF) and other Global Producing Centres. – Output 4: 75% of OACPS RCC have trained national climate experts to generate climate products and services. – Output 5: 87.5% of the OACPS RCCs have issued policy briefs from their climate outlook statements. Eastern Africa region has recommended to identifying international law principles and developing a regional legal framework on climate peace and security to facilitate peaceful determination and settlement of climate related conflict situations. – Key activities implemented by the ClimSA TA to the OACPS include: (1) Overall coordination of implementation of the ClimSA Programme; (2) Capacity Building Strategy developed and published, including on the ClimSA knowledge management platform; : (3) Ongoing maintenance of website and social media platforms content, and development of communication tools (eg. Meeting banners, press article releases, forum video ),;; (4) Organization and participation to the annual Intra-ACP ClimSA Forum and other events: preparation of and participation at Climate COP27 2023 ClimSA Forum and COP 28 side events, and participation to Regional Climate Outlook Forums s (EAR, SAR, Caribbean and Pacific regions); (5) Dedicated Information platform /Portal to exchange best practice updated–; (6) Support to RCCs through integration of socio-economic benefit (SEB) elements of climate services: development of the SEB tool, follow up with the supplier of SEB tool for conducting country-based case studies . – Organisation and oversight of ClimSA Programme Steering Committee meetings, Brussels Based Steering Committee (BBSC)Regional PSCs -ECCAS in April 2023, ACMAD in in April 2023, SADC in Masy 2023, IGAD in march 2023, CIMH in may 2023. Upcoming planned activities: a. Coordination of the programme implementation with all 8 OACPS RCCs, b. Convening 3rd ClimSA Forum on 11-13 September 2023; c. Convening of 4th PSC meeting on 14-15 September 2023; d. Maintaining and updating the knowledge management platform/Portal, e. Organise training sessions on climate services for renewable energy. Beneficiary countries/regions: Relevant OACPS regional organisations (with comparative technical advantage in climate services) and All Member States. For more information, Contact: Department of Environment and Climate Action |
Agreement No. ACP/FED/037-978: Technical cooperation Facility Intra-ACP for amount of €5.0 million was signed on 3 December 2015. The programme was over a period of 84 months.
Implementation mode
Indirect management with the ACP Secretariat as the Contracting authority. However based on the mandate of Article 19c of Annex IV of the Cotonou Agreement, the EC may act as a Contracting Authority.
The objective of the programme is to support the efficient implementation of the EDF 11 Intra-ACP Strategy.
Expected results
Through the financing of studies and short to medium consultancies covering the identification, implementation, formulation, accountability and visibility, it is expected that the overall management of projects will be enhanced.
The Programme is ongoing
Implementation of the programme was expected to end in December 2022 but has been extended by further 12 months to finance activities related to the OACPS-EU Stakeholder consultations in the context of the signed Samoa Agreement.
Beneficiary countries
All ACP Member States through the technical assistance provided to the ACP Secretariat
For more information, contact: Department of Macro-economics, Development Finance and Intra-ACP Programming (MDFIP)
Agreement No. ACP/FED/037-976: Institutional Support to the ACP Secretariat and its Geneva Antenna (2016-2018) for an amount of €28.850.000 was signed on 3 December 2015. The programme is to be executed over a period of 84 months. The grant beneficiary (ACP Secretariat) will co-finance the programme with a further amount of €18.9 million
Implementation mode
Direct Management (Direct award of a grant contract to the ACP Secretariat)
The specific objective of the programme is to ensure that:
Expected results are:
The Programme ended in December 2022
Beneficiary countries:
All ACP Member States benefit through the services provided by the ACP Secretariat
For more information, contact: Department of Administration, Finance and human Resources (AFHR)
Agreement No.ACP/FED/037-975 (Promote ACP-EU Private sector development knowledge management) for an amount of 6.0 million was signed on 28 July 2017. The Programme will be implemented over a period of 80 months (excluding the closure period fixed at 24 months).
Implementation modality
Indirect management with the ACP Secretariat as the Contract Authority for procurement and grant procedures.
The programme is fully in line with the provisions of the Intra-ACP Strategy Paper 2014-2020 and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. It contributes primary to the progressive achievement of SDG 8 “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”, but also promotes progress towards Goal 1 “end poverty in all its forms everywhere”.
The specific objective is to contribute to the overall effort for the implementation of the key objectives related to Private Sector Development with regard to the Joint PSD framework, 11th EDF Intra-ACP Strategy, through the PSD platform, the promotion of ACP-EU PSD Knowledge management, and the assistance to the ACP Secretariat.
Expected results/outputs are:
The programme is going on.
The programme is going on and an extension request to August 2025 has been formally requested
The programme continues to provide technical support to the ACP Secretariat on screening and appraising a number of proposals received and to be funded under the Private Sector Support. Beneficiary countries: All OACPS countries and regions For more information, contact: Department of Structural Economic Transformation and Trade
The Service contracts for an amount of €6.0 million between the ACP Secretariat and the Consortium led by IBF International was signed on 5th February 2018. The programme is already providing technical support to the ACP Secretariat on screening and appraising a number of proposals received and to be funded under the Private Sector Support.
Beneficiary countries:
For more information, contact: Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade
Agreement No. ACP/FED/037-995 – Intra-ACP Global Climate alliance Plus (GCCA+) for an amount of 70.0 million was signed on 28th July 2017. The Programme will be implemented over a period of 72 months (excluding the closure phase of 24 months).
Implementation modality
Direct –procurement of services;
Indirect management-with a partnership of EU Member State agencies and international organisations, including entrusted ACP Regional Organisations;Indirect Management with the ACP Secretariat.
This Programme responds to the objective 2.1 of the 11th EDF Intra-ACP Strategy (to contribute to improved capacities of adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in ACP countries and regions).
The programme will also contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular, the achievement of SDG Goal 13 “Take action to combat climate change and its impacts”.
The overall objective of the programme (impact) is to increase the resilience of the ACP countries and regions to counter the adverse impacts of climate change in order to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development. More specifically, the programme aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of ecosystem based solutions to climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Therefore, this action will also contribute towards the achievement of SDG 15 “Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss”.
Expected results from the implementation of the programme are as follows:
“The programme ended in July 2023”
Beneficiary countries
For more information, contact: Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade
Erasmus+ Programme was agreed through an exchange of letter between the ACP (Chair of the Committee of Ambassadors) and the EC DEVCO in July 2015 approving the financing proposed for the programme. The total amount allocated to the Programme is €85.0 million for five years.
Implementation mode
Direct Management (5 Calls for Proposals issued by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The overall objective of the programme is to promote people to people contacts, intercultural awareness and understanding, develop capacity and contribute to modernising higher education in ACP countries, with particular attention to least developed countries and disadvantaged groups.
Expected results
ACP countries are supported to deal with the challenges facing their higher education institutions and systems, including those of quality, relevance, equity of access, planning, delivery, management, governance and internationalisation by offering a balanced mix of actions addressing individuals, institutions and higher education systems.
“The Programme ended in December 2023”.
Implementation of the programme is expected to end in December 2020
Call for proposals: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees 2018 was launched on 25 October 2017. Information can be accessed through:
Beneficiary countries
For more information, contact: Department of Political Affairs and Human Development (PAHD)
Agreement No.REG/FED/023-233-Strengthening the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Institutions and Processes (CAADP) signed on 02 February 2012 for an amount of 10.0 million and to be implemented in 72 months under Joint Management (pool fund) with the World Bank.
Implementation Mode:
Managed by the African Union Commission and the World Bank within the framework of CAADP
The purpose of the CAADP Multi donor Trust Fund is to facilitate the implementation of CAADP at country, regional and continental levels, involving agricultural policy reviews and reforms, inclusive strategy development, higher levels of investments and expenditure, and improved public-private cooperation.
Expected results:
The Programme is ongoing
Beneficiary countries/regions:
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS), Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), and Southern African Development Community (SADC).
For more information, contact: Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade
Agreement No.REG/FED/22156-Reinforcing Veterinary Governance in Africa- was signed on 8 February 2011 for an amount of €30.0 million. The period of execution is 102 months
Implementation Mode:
Direct management (grant agreement with AU-C/AU-IBAR).
The Programme’s specific objective is to “improve the institutional environment at national and regional levels to provide effective and efficient animal health services in Africa.
Expected results:
The Programme is ongoing
This programme was officially launched in 2012 and is being implemented through a contribution agreement with the African Union Commission specialised agency for animal health (IBAR).
Beneficiary countries:
Regional programmes: SADC, COMESA, ECCAs, EAC, ECOWAS, IGAD
Country-programmes: Mauritius, Tanzania, Sao Tome & Principe, Comoros, Sudan, South Sudan, DRC, Madagascar, Malawi, Seychelles, Burundi, Congo, equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Angola, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland, Benin, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Togo, Eritrea, Somalia, Zambia, Mali, Ghana, Mozambique, Kenya
For more information, contact: Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade
Agreement No.REG/FED/22171-EDULINK II-ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Higher Education-signed on 22 December 2010 for an amount of €20.0 million. Period of implementation is 96 months.
Implementation Mode:
Specific objectives of the Programme are:
Expected Results:
The Programme is ongoing
The Secretariat through the assistance of the PMU continues to follow up the implementation of the 47 Grant Contracts for a total value of €22.5 million sourced from both the EDF 10 and the EU Budget (Co-operation with South Africa. 11 contracts successfully ended in 2016 and their final reports are being received and assessed after which they will be administratively closed. 35 contracts will end in 2017 while only 1 contract will end in 2018.
Beneficiary countries:
Cabo Verde, Mozambique, Fiji, Mauritius, PNG, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Cuba, Dominican Rep, Haiti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Ethiopia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, Comoros, Madagascar, Barbados, Jamaica, Rwanda, Trinidad & Tobago, Namibia, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Guyana, Suriname, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Sao Tome & Principe, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Senegal , Gambia, Seychelles.
For more information, contact: Department of Political Affairs and Human Development
Agreement No.REG/FED/023-056: Support to Transport Sector Development. F.A signed on 15th April 2013 for and amount of 4.0 million to be implemented within 72 months.
Implementation Mode
Partially decentralized management (delegated responsibility by the ACP Secretariat to AUC and Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA))
The project purpose is to contribute to strengthened Africa-wide capacity to regulate, organize, promote and finance improved inter regional and continental transport infrastructure and services through interconnectivity across regions by promoting safe trans-boundary transport corridors and harmonized transport services.
Expected results:
The Programme is ongoing.
Beneficiary countries:
All African ACP countries
For more information, contact: Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade
Agreement No. REG/FED/024-496 – Building Disaster Resilience to Natural Hazards in Sub-Saharan African Regions, Countries and Communities was signed on 4th February 2014 for an amount of 60.0 million Euros. The programme will be implemented over a period of 84 months.
Mode of implementation
The purpose of the programme is to provide the analytical basis and accelerate the effective implementation of an African Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction and Risk Management (DRR and DRM) framework (institutional, political, normative, risk identification and assessment, risk reduction, early warning, preparedness and response risk financing for resilient recovery and reconstruction).
Expected results of the programme include
The Programme is ongoing
The deadline for the implementation of the programme is 4th February 2019.
Beneficiary countries
Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, DRC, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra-Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe
For more information, contact: Department of Political Affairs and Human Development