ACP-EU (Intra-ACP programmes)
Implemented in ACP Member States
and Regions


Support to Transport Sector Development

Agreement No.REG/FED/023-056: Support to Transport Sector Development. F.A signed on 15th April 2013 for and amount of 4.0 million to be implemented within 72 months.

Implementation Mode

Partially decentralized management (delegated responsibility by the ACP Secretariat to AUC and Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA))


The project purpose is to contribute to strengthened Africa-wide capacity to regulate, organize, promote and finance improved inter regional and continental transport infrastructure and services through interconnectivity across regions by promoting safe trans-boundary transport corridors and harmonized transport services.

Expected results:

  • Support to the Dept of Infrastructure & energy in the AUC in the fields of transport harmonization and transport sector and services development.
  • Support to PIDA PAP for the start-up of smart corridor activities
  • Support to the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) for implementing its strategic business plan

The Programme is ongoing.

Beneficiary countries:

All African ACP countries

For more information, contact: Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade