ACP-EU (Intra-ACP programmes)
Implemented in ACP Member States
and Regions


Capacity building of mineral institutions and of small-scale private sector operating in low-value minerals in ACP countries

Agreement No. FED/24777 – Capacity building of mineral institutions and of small-scale private sector operating in low-value minerals in ACP countries was signed on 4th March 2014 for an amount of €12.0 million and to be implemented over a period of 84 months.

Additional funding by the UNDP will be €1.4 million

Implementation Mode

Direct  Management (Contribution Agreement between the EC and the UNDP)


The purpose of the project is to reinforce the capacity of ACP countries small-scale private sector in Low Value Minerals and Materials.

Expected results are:

  • Technical, market know-how and financial capacities of existing staff employed by public institutions in charge of mineral resources industry are strengthened;
  • Enhanced technical, market, legal and financial capacities of management and staff of the SMEs of the mining sector and related service companies in fields such as quarrying and processing (value-adding process).

The Programme is ongoing

Implementation of the programme is expected to end in October 2018.

Beneficiary countries:

Four regional workshops have been held for: East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa and Southern Africa. Four country-level workshops have been held in: Zambia, Guinea-Conakry, Uganda and Cameroon,

The High level ministerial meeting organised in conjunction with the AUC and UNECA took place at ACP House during February 2018 and was attended by among other participants, 6 ministers from the focal countries.

For more information, contact: Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade