ACP-EU (Intra-ACP programmes)
Implemented in ACP Member States
and Regions


Second Cooperation Phase for the ABS Capacity Development Initiative

Agreement No. ACP/FED/039-332: Second Cooperation Phase for the ABS Capacity Development Initiative for an amount of €5.0 million was signed on 9 June 2017. The programme will be implemented over a period of 60 months excluding closure phase fixed at 24 months.

Implementation modality:

Indirect management with the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


The programme is intended to contribute to the third objective of the Conservation on Biological Diversity, which is the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights over those resources and to technologies.

Overall result: Stakeholders in ACP countries (governments, indigenous peoples and local communities, public research organisations, private sector and NGOs use the contributions of the ABS Initiative to put into practice access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilisation.

Expected results:

  • Draft institutional and legal frameworks including roadmaps including roadmaps for ABS implementation at national and (sub) regional level are developed;
  • Draft ABS (model) agreements with users of public and private sectors are developed

“The programme ended in June 2022”


Beneficiary countries

For more information, contact: Department of Sustainable Economic Development and Trade