ACP-EU (Intra-ACP programmes)
Implemented in ACP Member States
and Regions


11th EDF ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Programme
Agreement No. ACP/FED/041-233

Agreement No. ACP/FED/041-233 – 11th EDF ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Programme for an amount of €100.0 m million was signed on 20th November 2020. The programme will be implemented over a period of 72 months excluding the closure period of 24 months.

Implementation modalities

  1. Indirect management with international organisations;
  2. Indirect management with regional organisations;

3. Indirect management with the ACP Secretariat

The 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Intra-ACP Natural Disaster Risk Reduction (NDRR) pProgramme aims for fully alignments with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and relevant regional frameworks, including the Africa Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (ARSDRR)2 and the African Union Commission’s (AUC) programme of Action (PoA) for the implementation of the Sendai Framework in AfricaFramework for Resilient Development (FRDP) in the Pacific.

As The Sendai Framework, the programmeThe NDRRP  encourages a shift from disaster management to embraces disaster risk management (DRM), focusing  with the aim ofon preventing the creation of new and reducing existing disaster risks, through a whole-of government, n all-of-society and all-hazards risk management approach.

Overall Objective: Reduce the impact of disasters, including those related to climate change and biological hazards, and increase resilience in ACP countries. The three specific objectives are:

SO1: Disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk is strengthened.

SO2: Investment in disaster risk reduction for resilience is increased.

SO3: Disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction is enhanced.

Under the 2030 Agenda, the main focus would be contributing to on achieving SDG 13 (“Take urgent action to combat climate action and its impacts”), and covering some significant others, viz.: SDG 1 (“end poverty in all its forms everywhere”), SDG 9 (“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”); and, SDG11 (“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”).

The Intra-OACPS NDRRP component “Technical Assistance to the OACPS” is one of eight components of the global 11th (global European Development Fund (EDF) Intra-OACPS Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Programme.


The main expected results of the programme:

Output1.1: ACP Regional Institutions Capacities are strengthened. (to be implemented tentatively by: AUC, UNDP/UNDRR, WB/GFDRR, SADC, CDB and SPC);

Output 1.2: Intra-ACP South-South action is consolidated and coordination and monitoring mechanisms are operational (to be Implemented by the ACP Secretariat);

Output 1.3: Integrated solutions for risk-informed development planning and budgeting are provided (to be tentatively implemented by UNDP/UNDRR, SADC, CDB and SPC;


The programme is ongoing and is expected to end on 30 June 2027

The TA to the OACPS Secretariat commenced on 20 January 2023, and is situated in the Secretariat with the Department of Environment and Climate Action (ECA). The inception phase ended in May 2023.

All Implementing Partners (IPs) have signed their contracts and are in various stages of implementation, with a majority in the inception phase. The contracts are due to end in 2026/2027. However, an addendum to the Financing Agreement is envisaged and will extend its end date to 2028.

The TA “Kick-off” Meeting was held on 9 February 2023, and assessed key strategic expectations from the EU and OACPS, as well as presentation of the TA Programme Actions, issues and financial matters, for decision.

The Inception report of  23 March 2023 and approved on 31 May 2023. The inception period focused on conducting a situational and stakeholder analyses, and updating and enhancing the project methodology.  It established the Action’s coordination mechanism, following an assessment of existing ones by implementing partners; developed a Manual of procedures, following an inventory of existing systems, processes and procedures; provided an overview of the achievements of the first one and half month of implementation; prioritized and provided a detailed work plan for the first 6 months of the TA component’s implementation, reflecting the new starting date of 20 January 2023 instead of 1 January, as initially envisaged.

The TA co-organised the first 11NDRRP African Coordination meeting on the margins of the 19th African Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (AWGDRR) on 13 March 2023. The Africa Regional Coordination Meeting achieved the following:

1. Relationship building of all the key stakeholders of the NDRRP in in Africa, for smooth and effective implementation;

2. The role and responsibilities of the TA facility of the NDRRP are well assimilated by key stakeholders;

3. The coordination arrangements were effectively envisioned and validated at the regional and global levels; and

4. The potential synergies and key events were identified for effective implementation of the programme.

The TA organised the 1st Global Coordination Meeting to review the progress on the implementation of activities under each Result Area, focusing on challenges, lessons learned and recommendations from each Implementing Partner (IP). Further, IPs provided information on communication and visibility plans and activities they are managing/co-organizing, with some including plans for DRR Day and related international initiatives, as well as plans for COP 28; involvement in PDNAs and disaster recovery workBeneficiary countries

All Member States of the OACPS, through the TA to the OACPS and the 7 components being implemented by AUC, ARC, SADC, SPC, CDEMA, WB GFDRR and UNDP/UNDRR.                                

For more information, contact: Department of Environment and Climate Action