ACP-EU (Intra-ACP programmes)
Implemented in ACP Member States
and Regions


Science and Technology II Programme

Agreement No. REG/FED/022-053-ACP Science and Technology II Programme was signed on 01 March 2012 and allocated an amount of 20.0 million to be implemented in 84 months. Management mode is Partially decentralized.

Implementation mode

Indirect Management: Technical Assistance Unit (TAU) under the supervision of the ACP Secretariat.

The purpose of the project is:

  • Enhance the use of S&T as key enablers for poverty reduction, growth and socio-economic development;
  • To contribute to the dissemination and adoption of relevant biotechnologies for food security and poverty reduction in ACP countries

Expected results:

  1. The importance of S&T for development is acknowledged, mechanisms for innovation understood and culture of science promoted;
  2. S&T goals and priorities are identified and mainstreamed in the national and regional strategies of relevant stakeholders (research is used to inform policies)
  3. National and regional capacities to manage, monitor, evaluate, and disseminate S&T activities improved

The Programme is ongoing

The Secretariat with the Technical Assistance Unit continues to follow-up the implementation of the 21 grant contracts with a value of €20.8 M sourced from the EDF 10 and the EU Budget (Co-operation with South Africa).These projects represent the participation of 80 institutions from 31 ACP states and 26 institutions from 9 EU countries, USA, Thailand and India. The 21 projects address two target sectors: Agriculture and food security (15 projects); Energy access and efficiency (4 projects) Both themes (2 projects).

Of the 21 grant contracts, 14 are expected to end during 2017 while the remaining 7 will end by mid-2018.

Beneficiary countries :

Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, South Africa, Mauritius, Zambia, Dominican Republic, Botswana, Mozambique, Grenada, Guyana, St. Kitts & Nevis, Namibia, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Benin, Mali, Senegal, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Cabo Verde, Ethiopia, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Comoros.

For more information, contact: Department of Political Affairs and Human Development