ACP-EU (Intra-ACP programmes)
Implemented in ACP Member States
and Regions


EDULINK II-ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Higher Education

Agreement No.REG/FED/22171-EDULINK II-ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Higher Education-signed on 22 December 2010 for an amount of €20.0 million. Period of implementation is 96 months.

Implementation Mode:

  • Indirect management
  • ACP Secretariat is the Contracting Authority
  • PMU and Call for Proposals;

Specific objectives of the Programme are:

  • Institutional capacity building of ACP higher education institutions in the fields of policy, management, planning and administrative capacity;
  • Institutional co-operation to maximize academic quality and relevance in the regional or sub-regional context

Expected Results:

  • Enhanced contribution to national and regional policies and development plans for cooperation in higher education;
  • Increased inter-institutional networking between HEIs including institutions offering teacher training, degrees and diplomas;

The Programme is ongoing

The Secretariat through the assistance of the PMU continues to follow up the implementation of the 47 Grant Contracts for a total value of €22.5 million sourced from both the EDF 10 and the EU Budget (Co-operation with South Africa. 11 contracts successfully ended in 2016 and their final reports are being received and assessed after which they will be administratively closed. 35 contracts will end in 2017 while only 1 contract will end in 2018.

Beneficiary countries:

Cabo Verde, Mozambique, Fiji, Mauritius, PNG, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Cuba, Dominican Rep, Haiti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Ethiopia,  Botswana, Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, Comoros, Madagascar, Barbados, Jamaica, Rwanda, Trinidad & Tobago, Namibia, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Guyana, Suriname, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Sao Tome & Principe, Burundi, DRC, Angola, Senegal , Gambia, Seychelles.

For more  information, contact: Department of Political Affairs and Human Development